The Magic Of Making Up Review–Spell 2

on Wednesday 30 January 2013

Spell 2 – How can I keep put the magic back into my relationship?


The truth is that somewhere along the line the magic can fizzle out. Sometimes it’s you, sometimes it’s her….

But in reality it takes two to tango!

    (Cue music….It takes two baby… It takes two baby…)

It is actually a natural process, and it comes in stages


  • when you first get together that’s where   the magic starts.

You feel intoxicated by your emotions, you can’t help but think about them all the time, you find yourself absent minded and staring off into the distance on public transport. 

You are basically HIGH, your emotions are CHEMICALS you are on DRUGS.  You have this stuff called Phenylethylalamine (PEA) which is a bit like an amphetamine.

You are literally high on love. 


PEA wears of after about 1 or 2 years, conveniently the amount of time it takes to produce a child.  After this amount of time the feeling of passion starts to wear off. This is usually the time where people start breaking up. Or where people started to break up with their partners but stayed together in an unhappy partnership. This is when you need to put the magic back into the relationship.

So how do I put the love magic back into my relationship?

There are a number of ways you can put the love back into your relationship and one of them is to start being a good boyfriend.

You need to start making your girlfriend feel appreciated.  A quick Google will find that women tend to break up with men when they stop feeling appreciated…   How do I make my woman feel appreciated? Well…. You got to start remembering all those things your girlfriend thinks are important that you usually forget. 

Things you should know are:

  • The date of her birthday
  • Her dads birthday
  • Her sister/brothers birthdays
  • Her best friends birthday
  • Her family's names and numbers
  • Her clothing sizes
  • Her shoe size
  • Her favourite food
  • Her favourite restaurant
  • Her Favourite colour
  • Plus many more things that she remembers but you forget


You should also be making lists of things that she likes when she says she likes them, so when you get to birthdays and Christmas you will plenty of material to help you shop.

I used to get myself into so much trouble when it would get to her birthday and I would have NO IDEA what to get her.

(And remember she doesn’t want to know what you are going to get her. She wants a SUPRISE to her it is the whole point. )

So how the hell do I do all this? I am just a bloke (Dude for American readers)


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend that just gave you a call and reminded you of important events, and every so often would check up with you to see if you have any more information that you need reminding. Well I have just the ticket (BTW: I have no affiliation with this company)    introducing.






The wing man plus is an I-phone app (Apple App) that acts as your buddy in your pocket.

He is a life saver and reminds me of my girlfriends birthday and questions me every so often whether there is anything that I need to be reminded of in the near future.

When you first start up the app it will ask you a number of questions about you significant other.

Such as:

What’s her favorite place to eat

What’s her best friends name and contact number

Shoe size

Clothes sizes

To name a few.

It will then catch up with you once weekly to find out any additional information IMG_0077



It will then put this information in categories so that you can go to it when you need some inspiration. (Cause we are crappy men who don’t remember stuff)

Every so often your buddy Fred (The wingman) will give you a shout and suggest something ‘Romantic’ to do with your lover.

As shown in the picture below:


I wouldn’t say it is PERFECT. But I would definitely say it has made me give more thought to my girlfriends wants and desires, a big step in making her feel more appreciated.

Feel lame about having this app on your phone!

Don’t worry so did I.

But you can password protect it so only you can access it.


If you want to keep your girlfriend.

You have to make her feel appreciated.

A good way to make her feel appreciated is to pay attention to her wants needs and desires.

It doesn’t have to be expensive things. It is the little things like leaving a crappy love you note on the mirror in the morning that she remembers more.

Peace out,



Customer reviews:
The Magic Of Making Up
February 20, 2013 4/5 stars
The Magic Of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. A get your ex back book like no other.