The 5 characteristics of successful relationships

on Friday 8 February 2013

When you are in an unhealthy relationship you will not have had the opportunity to see how healthy relationships operate on a daily basis.

It is important to take the time to study and to really take in the characteristics of a healthy relationship; this will give you a much better chance of having one for yourself.

Now don’t get me wrong, relationships are dependent on the individuals involved and there is no real secret formula, but successful relationships do share some of the following characteristics in common.

So what are the 5 characteristics of successful relationships?

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Respect

Respect is possibly the most essential part of any relationship. Many a marriage or friendship has been lost due to a lack of respect.

 Abusive relationships often contain many elements of disrespect such as belittling you in front of other people, having no thought as to how one person’s actions may affect the other in the relationship.

Respect can also be more passive than the last example, such as listening to the other person in a non-judgmental way and then making a decision based on what both of you want or need.


The next most important quality is support. People in loving, healthy relationships support each other. Whether that means helping them to realize their goals and dreams or being there for one another when times get difficult.
However, you cannot be expected to receive support for everything. Remember there are some things that you shouldn’t expect support for such as bad habits, smoking, working too much, or eating crap.

They are supporting you, just not supporting what you do. Your partner has your well being at heart!


The strength of a relationship comes from trust. A jealous or untrusting relationship (without justification) is destined to fail end up as a miserable relationship bound together by a sense of pride and duty.
Trust isn’t always something you should wear on your sleeve (you shouldn’t give it too easily) and it doesn’t build over night, it takes time.

Trust comes from being honorable, sticking to promises and not letting your partner down and it needs to be consistent and it always takes time.

No manipulative behavior

Manipulative behavior can include, using threats, guilt, emotional blackmail, and lies to make a partner do something. If you encounter any of these types of behaviors you should realize that no one should have to put up with being treated in this manner.

Some people even threaten to leave their partners, some withhold physical affection to get what they want (Example: withholding sex when you didn’t get them what they wanted for Christmas? Can this be included here???).

If your partner tries to punish you over every little disagreement it is time to get out of that relationship kidda!

Economic equality

This one is a strange one, the initial thought about economic equality would be, “you shouldn’t be with someone just for their money!!!” Now you would be right, it is rather shallow and degrading for someone to do this. There is always the gold digging aspect.

But another little thought about aspect is the partner who controls the finances manipulating the other person in the relationship because they have the power of finances.
Some people find themselves in a relationship where they are not the sole earner and at first it can be nice having someone support you, but when things turn bad you don’t have the financial strength to leave the relationship.

It can mean that you are stuck with someone because of financial dependence and even worse, stuck with someone who isn’t interested in your well being.

If somebody uses money as a weapon to control you it is time to leave!!!

By no means is this a comprehensive post about all of the characteristics of healthy relationships, but I would go as far to say these are the most important.

Now, you may be doing everything correctly in your mind, but remember to be conscious of the other person in your relationship, your partner may not think so. Also be very aware of how your partner treats you, you shouldn’t put up with continual disrespect, lack of support or manipulative behaviors, but remember, people make mistakes and it is only after a partner exhibits continuously a negative characteristic that you should up and leave.

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