The Magic Of Making Up Review– Spell No. 1

on Thursday 17 January 2013

Spell 1  - What can I do to stop my girlfriend breaking up with me?

You are right!   Why should you let it get that far?

Surly you should stop the break up from occurring in the first place.  As with anything after awhile we become blind to things and start taking it for granted.
You started of charming, you made the effort, you did those little things to make her happy. Like taking her to her favourite restaurant, sitting through that really annoying TV program of hers whilst secretly enjoying it.
Now here you are sitting at the laptop in your boxer shorts, and she is watching that annoying TV program by herself.

“You need to put the passion back in the relationship. You need to put the magic back into the relationship!”


If you really want to save your relationship YOU NEED TO CHANGE.  Most people try to change their partners. But your partner is reacting to YOU!  Find out her shoe size, find out her clothes size, find out what she likes, write down her birthday, find the contact number for her best friend, know the names and birthdays and contact numbers of her family members and friends, find out her favourite perfume, show and shoes. It is time to start taking interest in her again. It is time to start making her FEEL appreciated.  Remember you CANNOT expect HER to tell YOU.


Tomorrow ---->  Review of the wing man app for I-Phone & Touch (It’s pretty awesome)

Customer reviews:
The Magic Of Making Up
February 20, 2013 4/5 stars
The Magic Of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. A get your ex back book like no other.